Do you have broken, failing or missing teeth? You aren’t alone.
- 69% of adults ages 35-44 have lost at least one permanent tooth.1
- 26% of adults will lose all permanent teeth by age 74.2
Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth and Nacogdoches Dental can, with minimally-invasive techniques, restore your smile, your confidence and your oral health using OsteoReady™ Practical Implant Solutions.
There are so many reasons to eat, feel and live better with minimally-invasive dental implants. Placed in as little as seven minutes with a general healing time of three months, our patients spend less time in the dentist’s chair and more time enjoying new, beautiful smiles.
Plus, minimally-invasive dental implant patients enjoy
- Little to no post-operative pain
- Fewer required appointments
- Improved your oral heath AND
- All of their favorite foods again!
Ready to enjoy your new, beautiful smile? Consult with Nacogdoches Dental about whether you’re a candidate for Single implants, Implant-assisted full dentures or Fixed implant bridges.
Questions? Call Nacogdoches Dental today or check out our FAQ.
1 2 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons